An uncut gem does not sparkle! The key to effective content development is quality. Any creation of quality is no accident. It is the result of diligent effort and patience.
There are a few effective tools to aid achieve a production of high quality.
Master the art of making a blade of grass indescribably magnificent. Any idea thus captured stays in memory forever.
The grandest of ideas are often born from the simplest of thoughts. The content need not be too intricate or elaborate. ‘Keep it simple’ is the mantra.
Catch the idea, elaborate, rethink, rewrite and reshape. Cut away at the edges and make the core, the focus of all attention.
Develop the ability to take something universal and make it your own. Give it your own shape. Deliver it in a way unique to you alone.
Polish the gem to conform to the defined process, standards, and guidelines and make it glitter.
Writing on the night skies
Dare to be different. Grab attention! It can be the title, the idea, the presentation, the narrative or the story telling. Make it sparkle & inspire.
As the saying goes an uncut gem does not sparkle. The right gem needs to be picked with care. The rough edges have to be removed to give it focus. It then needs to be cut into a simple but unique shape. Finally, polish it off to a high degree to grab the eye. The resultant gem should be an inspiration for many to emulate.